UV Ray’s water cooled base

UV Ray cooperate with Lea Etichette, founded by D’Angella family in the 1978, for 10 ten years installing UV systems on different presses.
Over the time, the target that join the companies never changed: excel.
Today, UV Ray has equipped a semi rotary letterpress 6 colors and final varnish.
In the first 4 groups there’re installed Maxwell with air cooled base; in the last two there’re Maxwell with the water cooled base and IR filter.
Results, simple but incredible on this kind of machine, is to get a fixed substrate temperature between each color. First of all, this means that all issues related to the temperature increasing group after group, register movement, color variation, cylinder enlargement and problems on the die cutter will be deleted.
Is no longer needed to continue monitor and adjust the machine during the printing process: this save time, resource and get higher quality and easier job.
Thanks to the simplicity, now is possible to diversify the production with job before impossible to do.
As usual for UV Ray’s products, this solution is available for OEM and retrofit too.

Data comparison

Machine parameters:

Step : 152,00 mm

Strokes/hour: 5.166

Meters produced: 750

Labels produced: 4.939

Substrate : Supported OPP

Recap chart with the comparison between the air cooled base and the water cooled base.

Temperature survey during job

Printing stationBase coolingInput °COutput °CFirstAir26,841,7SecondAir34,146,3ThirdAir36,544,53FourthAir37,046,8FifthWater with IR filter37,036,5SixthWater with IR filter30,931,2

In this video, temperatures detection with certified device.


Below, temperatures detection of a flexo press, ten colors Gidue Combat M1 370.

Atom water cooled base and IR filter